Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Toolwiz TimeFreeze

If you keep uninstalling after trying software you thought you might like, then just go download “Toolwiz TimeFreeze” [  http://www.toolwiz.com/products/toolwiz-time-freeze/ ] It’s free. Just start Timefreeze before any download. If you don’t like the new software just restart your computer when you’re done trying it out and Timefreeze will ask if you want to keep it. If you don’t like it say “NO” and restart, when your computer boots back up it’s back to the exact state it was before the installation.

If you don’t wish to install Timefreeze software, then please create a restore point before installing new software. If you don’t like what it did, the software, etc., just restore your computer using the restore point you created before the install. I believe Windows should create a restore point at the beginning of anything being installed but I’ve noticed this doesn’t always work right and it’s best to create your own instead of depending on the system to think for you!

A Happy New Year to all my friends out there in cyberspace. Jeff.

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