Monday, January 21, 2013

Take a screenshot of your Active window.

In Windows, If you want to, you can take a screenshot of only the active window or program, not the whole Screen.

Before you learn this trick on how to take a screenshot of the active window, it is a good idea to actually know what ‘active window’ means.

It is actually pretty simple. ‘Active  window’ is simply the window or program that you are currently in — the window or program that you are actively using. For example, let’s say you have three windows open — Firefox, Windows Explorer, and My Documents. Then let’s say you are currently using Firefox. The active window, therefore, is Firefox. If you switch to Windows Explorer and start using it, Windows Explorer becomes the active window. Same holds true for My Documents or any other window or program that you have open.


As already mentioned, tapping Print Screen (or PRT SC, as some keyboards call it) takes a screenshot of your whole screen. If you want to take a screenshot of your active window only, you need to hold ALT while pressing Print Screen. In other words, pressing ALT + Print Screen takes a screenshot of only the active window.

Once you press ALT + Print Screen, a screenshot of the active window is copied to Windows Clipboard; you need to open up your favorite image editor [e.g. Microsoft Paint, Photo shop], paste the screenshot [Ctrl + V], and save it — just like you would do if you used just Print Screen.

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