Sunday, April 8, 2007

Yahoo POP3 Access in Microsoft Outlook Express.

In order to use an email client to send and receive Yahoo! Mail messages, you must designate a new incoming (POP) mail server and a new outgoing (SMTP) mail server.
If you can't add new POP or SMTP servers, you'll need to change your current server settings. Before you change anything, write down your current settings -- you may need to revert to your original settings later if you decide to send and receive messages from your other email addresses.

Here are the basic server settings for Yahoo! Mail. They can be set up by going to the Tools menu, / "Accounts."


Incoming Mail (POP3) Server:
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:
Account Name/Login Name: your Yahoo! Mail name (your address without the "")
Email address: your Yahoo! Mail address (i.e.,
Password: your Yahoo! Mail password


SMTP Settings for Microsoft Outlook Express

From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
Select the "Mail" tab.
Double-click the account labeled ""
Select the "Servers" tab.
Check the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication."
Click "OK."

NOTE: Before doing any of the above, you need to go to 'Yahoo mail site', Click on the 'Mail Options' link, top right hand side, Go to 'POP Access and Forwarding' and set it for 'Web and POP Access'.

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