Friday, April 20, 2007

Create Shortcuts on the Desktop to Your Favorite Websites

So you have found this particular site you visit ALL the time
and would like to be able to go to it with a click on your
desktop icons. Easy.

Open your browser and click on the Maximize button and make
your browser smaller so that you can see the Desktop behind it.

With your super web page open, you'll see the address bar has a URL in
it. Just click on the "Icon" you see just before the URL,
hold the mouse button down [the left one] and drag the
address onto the desktop. Of course you'll have to make sure
you can see the desktop behind the browser, at least enough
to make the drop.

When you do this, the browser [ or Favicon ] icon is created with
the title of the page you've been visiting. Now that's just so
convenient! Next time you want to visit your favorite and
frequently favored page, just double click that icon.

Okay, I hear you thinking. "Why don't you just
use the Favorites item that's on the Start Menu? The last
bunches of pages you visited are always in there."

Well, that's ok. And you can. But if you visit a few sites
ALL the time, the desktop is still the best place. It's visual,
easy to see, and an easy place to get to.

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