Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mozilla Thunderbird

Thunderbird is an email client from Mozilla, the organization better known for the Firefox web browser which has a great deal to offer. In addition to handling multiple email accounts, the program can also be used to subscribe to RSS feeds and access online newsgroups and a new tabbed interface makes it easy to jump between individual emails or different aspects of the program.

There are new tools available to make it easier to manage a burgeoning inbox Email archival makes it possible to remove messages from your main inbox while retaining them for future reference, and the advanced search facility takes the hard works out of tracking down messages using a keyword filtering and timeline system.

As is the case with Firefox, Thunderbird supports add-ons can be used to customize and extend the features of the program. Getting started with the email client has been greatly simplified thanks to automatic account setting detection and nice touches such as the appearance of a warning if an email is written which includes the word 'attached' but no attachment is added make Thunderbird a joy to use.

With advanced security, phishing protection and automatic updating, coupled with countless other features which are simply not found in other email clients, Thunderbird is the ideal program to handle your email correspondence and much more.

Thunderbird is a highly adaptable email client, feed reader and newsgroup tool and support for add-ons means it is endlessly extendable


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