Sunday, February 28, 2016

The biggest security threats of 2016 are…

Cyber attacks continue to be on the rise, and according to TWCN Tech News, these are the biggest cyber security threats of 2016:

    Mobile attacks
    Online extortion
    Password recovery scams
    Digital attacks causing physical damage
    Internet of Things (IoT) leading to cyber attacks

Mobile attacks have been on the rise recently due to our increased use and reliance on mobile devices.  By using certain applications to store your personal information, you may be setting yourself up for a mobile attack. It is best to keep your personal data off your mobile devices entirely, but if you choose to keep payment information on your mobile devices, make sure you are not putting all of the data in one place.  By doing so, if your device is hacked the scammers have a one-stop-shop to all of your information.

Online extortion, also known as ransomware has become increasingly popular.  In the last few weeks there have been stories of ransomware attacks at hospitals and school districts in USA.  Unfortunately, the ransomware left servers completely useless without any way to obtain the lost data without the encryption key.  For these two examples, both paid the ransomware to obtain the keys so they could get back into their files.  It is understandable, in these two cases, they needed to get their information back; however, by paying the hackers, their behavior is being rewarded and the likelihood of continued attacks increases.

Password recovery scams are related to phishing scams.  Once the hackers gain access to your email account they can recover your password and compromise your account.

Digital attacks are not only an invasive way to obtain your personal data, but could also lead to physical damage to your devices.  The act of backing up your data is critical in all of these attacks, but is particularly important when your device is rendered useless.

IoT, or things that have WiFi or Bluetooth capabilities, are potential cyber attack targets.  Many of these things, (eg: smart TVs, refrigerators, cars, etc.) don’t have a direct security software program to protect them from attacks, meaning the protection from a data breach is limited.

So what can you do to keep your information safe?  We encourage you to back-up your data.  You also need to be sure that your back-ups are current, and are encryption free.  You should also be sure not to use the same password for different accounts.  It is also encouraged that you change your password every 30-60 days.  These passwords should have various authentication components, such as using capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and other features such as #, $, % etc.

You should also be sure to keep your device software up-to-date.  Many times, if there are security holes, they will be patched during updates.  If you are neglecting these updates you could be leaving yourself open for attack.  Lastly, be sure to use security software for all applicable devices.

Kayla Thrailkill