Friday, May 29, 2009

Stop your Homepage from being Changed.

I've noticed several different programs that will stop your homepage from being changed, this however seems like a lot of fuss for a simple thing.

to keep your homepage the same all you need to do is change the target of your internet browser shortcut.
right click on the shortcut on your desktop or in the start menu and click properties, there will be a box labelled "target" which will have the value:
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

by simply adding the web address of your homepage to the end of this it will override your homepage preferences in the internet options tab.
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

this is sometimes a bit tricky for the shortcut pinned to the start menu but if you play around with it for a few minutes then its not a problem.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Conficker (Downadup) - New Developments

A recent development regarding the Conficker virus has been detected, where it is now directing infected machines to download new, harmful files, thus activating the botnet. Here’s how this new behavior works:

Conficker sends out email spam without the PC owner’s knowledge. In addition, Conficker uses pop-ups to warn of PC infection and offers fake antivirus software, called 'SpywareProtect2009' at a price of $49.95. If purchased, credit card information is stolen and the virus downloads even more malicious software.

If you encounter a pop-up like this, do not click on the pop-up at all - not even to close the box. To remove the pop-up without infection, open your Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete), and end the task from your Browser (Explorer, Firefox, etc.). You should take additional precautions to ensure you are not already infected and have adequate protection: Info thanks to ZoneAlarm.