Thursday, June 7, 2007

jdbgmgr.exe virus

You have received an eMail telling you about this virus.
The eMail identifies an obscure file found on tens of millions of PCs -- and it offers simple instructions on how to find the file in question.
The file uses a teddy bear as its associated icon, giving the impression that an immature hacker drew it.
Gullible users will assume they have found a dangerous virus -- simply because they WILL find this file on their PC.
So you're staring at this file on your PC. It's JDBGMGR.EXE, just like the eMail from your friend warned and your antivirus software says "no viruses found," What do you do.
We believe gullible users will trust their eyeballs over their antivirus software.

What will happen if we delete this file from our computer?
We posed this very question to Microsoft. Their answer: If a user has Visual J++ 1.x installed but JDBGMGR.EXE is missing, the net result would be that some Java programs wouldn't run.

Ok, before we do damage to our computer or send an eMail on to our friends. How do we check any eMail sent to us like this one to see if it is a hoax.

Just do a little checking before getting into a tiz be going to or and do a search first.