Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Firefox keyboard shortcuts

Many Firefox keyboard combinations are the same as those of Internet Explorer. In particular, menu navigation uses the same combinations of arrow keys and Alt as most Windows applications, and navigation within text-editing fields supports the same keystrokes as most text editors (Ctrl+Left Arrow to move one word left, for example). Scrolling keys such as Page Up and Page Down work as you'd expect, too. The table below shows the major keys used by both browsers. (On the Macintosh, substitute Command for Ctrl and Option for Alt.)

Keyboard shortcuts common to Firefox and Internet Explorer

Key combination Use
Ctrl+A Select all content
Ctrl+C Copy current selection
Ctrl+D Add a bookmark
Ctrl+H Display the History sidebar
Ctrl+I or Ctrl+B Open Bookmarks sidebar
Ctrl+N Open a new window
Ctrl+O Open a file
Ctrl+P Print current page
Ctrl+R or F5 Reload current page
Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5 Reload current page from origin
Ctrl+V Paste currently copied content
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Close the current tab
Ctrl+X Cut the current selection
Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo last operation
Ctrl+Z Undo last operation
Alt Begin menu navigation
Alt+D or F6 Focus and highlight the location bar
Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Shift+W Close current window
Alt+Home Go to home page
Alt+Left Arrow or Backspace Go back one page
Alt+Right Arrow or Shift+Backspace Go forward one page
Delete Delete current item
End Move to bottom of page
Esc Stop current operation
F11 Display in full-screen mode
Home Move to top of page

Firefox also has some unique keyboard combinations. The next list shows the common ones that don't match Internet Explorer.

Keyboard shortcuts available in Firefox only

Key combination Use
Ctrl+hyphen Decrease text size
Ctrl+Plus Increase text size
Ctrl+0 (Ctrl+Zero) Restore text to normal size
Ctrl+Down Arrow Select next search engine in location bar
Ctrl+F or / Find content by search string
Ctrl+G or F3 Repeat last Find operation forward
Ctrl+J (Ctrl+Y on Linux) Open download manager window
Ctrl+K Search the Web using the current search engine and keyword
Ctrl+n (where n is a number) Go to the nth tab
Ctrl+S Save current page as file
Ctrl+T Open new tab
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down Move to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up Move to the previous tab
Ctrl+U View page source
Alt+Enter Open URL in a new tab
F6 Move to next frame
F7 Toggle caret browsing
Shift+F3 Repeat last Find operation backward